Title: Synnex pegs TouchPad for June 22, Amazon says July 17


We know the refrain that's about to echo through the comments: "just
announce it already." And we agree. It's looking likely that the June 12
date from our previous leak isn't going to pan out, but fear not, for there
are new dates to bandy about. First is a date courtesy of Synnex, which is
looking a June 22 etsimated time of arrival for both the 16GB and 32GB of
the TouchPad. Synnex, an enterprise vendor with a lot of HP products in
their catalog, lists the tablet as retailing for $499.99 and $599.99, in
line with the pricing for the iPad and in line with our own expectations.
Amazon, on the other hand, thinks later. In banners that appear on the site
when you search for HP TouchPad or webOS, the online mega retailer is
anticipating a July 17th for the "sleek and sophisticated webOS-empowered"
tablet. If there we had to pick one source of the two, we'd put out money on
Synnex, and say that Amazon's banners are in error (and not supposed to be
showing a date at all). And that's not because we want the TouchPad to come
sooner rather than later (although we do), but because all signs are
pointing towards an imminent launch.



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