Title: Enable Voice Dialing while screen is locked [webOS 2.1]
This tip is only for devices running webOS 2.1 and higher
The new Voice Dial app in webOS 2.1 allows you to dial a contact or
number just by talking into your phone. While there are a number of ways to
activate Voice Dial while your phone is turned on, you can also quickly
access Voice Dialing even while your phone is locked or the screen is turned
off. First, you need to enable this functionality by going to the "Screen &
Lock" app and scrolling all the way to the bottom. You will see a "VOICE
DIALING" section at the bottom with a single option to "Enabled When
Locked". If this is set to on, then you will be able to access Voice Dial by
press-and-holding the Volume Up button at any time, even if the screen is
turned off or the phone is locked.
It is important to realize that this will work, even if you have a PIN or
Password enabled. Therefore, allowing Voice Dialing when locked will allow
anyone to access the phone app via Voice Dialing without having to enter a
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