Palm provides a brief preview of Enyo, who will become their application development framework for the WebOS in 2011, and will replace the framework "Mojo" is used WebOS developer today. What key features Enyo? Palm's new Framework of this faster, launch applications more quickly, can work with ease on any size screen without rewriting applications, better compatibility for HTML5 web standards, and easier to develop because the object-oriented, have a better event handling (with a little memory leak cards & faults card), ... and so on.

Enyo developed Palm to work with their Ares framework for designing applications - which in fact Palm has spent most of their time to develop applications in the browser instead Enyo emulator. In fact, Enyo basically constructed by a team of Ares.
The most impressive demo was proof of an email-concept application that runs on the Chrome desktop browser, Palm shows how the same application can be seen in the windows device with a small window or large-sized and capable of displaying different data in accordance with the size of the screen.
Palm informed that some applications that require a period of 7 seconds to get started with the Mojo can be launched only in one second with Enyo. Palm will begin releasing new tools for developers early next year. They also say that the Mojo is not going away any time soon so developers need not wait Enyo or worry about rewriting their applications within a new framework in the near future. However, Palm says this is their framework for moving forward

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